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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Summer Granny Square Purse 2

I confess. I hate weaving in ends. Oh I know. No one likes to weave in ends, but I really hate weaving in ends. I've been known to pick projects based on how many ends I'll have to weave in at the end. I've also figured out ways to incorporate ends into what I'm crocheting. I'll crochet them into the next row or into my magic circle. Maybe you're not, technically, supposed to do it but as long as they don't show -- who cares? Right?

Then thing is, there are LOTS of ends to weave in when you make granny squares. Specially if you change colors for each round, like I did. Then you have two tails for each round. So that's:

3 rounds per square x # of squares = WAY TOO MANY TAILS

So I did them in batches. I would make one batch with a single center color, weave in all the tails & then move to the next color. 7 squares at a time. That is how I stayed sane. 

But these are grannies. I wasn't done after weaving in the tails from each square. Then you have to put the squares together. More tails!

So many tails!
Crochet the squares together into strips. Weave in tails. Crochet the rows together. Weave in tails. Repeat for other side of purse. Crochet the squares together for the gussets. Weave in tails. Crochet to purse. Weave in tails. For someone who doesn't like to weave in tails, I'm doing an awful lot of weaving. It will be worth it when the purse is all together and beautiful. I'll forget all about those pesky tails. 

I may, however, have nightmares about the process of lining up the squares. OMG! Trying to make it so one row and column does not have the same center color or outside color. What a nightmare! I didn't even want the same combo together, but I see (in the pic above) that I missed one. Oh well. I never was good a Sudoku.

In the next post, we'll join the squares and add the gussets. It's coming along now!

Happy crafting!

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